Class LibsqlCacheAdapter<TType>

To utilize the LibsqlCacheAdapter, you must install the "@libsql/client" package and supply a string serde, such as SuperJsonSerde.

import { LibsqlCacheAdapter, SuperJsonSerde } from "@daiso-tech/core";
import { createClient } from "@libsql/client";

const client = createClient({ url: "file:local.db" });
const serde = new SuperJsonSerde();
const cacheAdapter = new LibsqlCacheAdapter(client, {
rootGroup: "@global"

(async () => {
// You only need to call it once before using the adapter.
await cacheAdapter.init();
await cacheAdapter.add("a", 1);

// Will remove the cache
await cacheAdapter.deInit();

Type Parameters

  • TType




  • The put method replaces a key if the key exists including the ttl value or adds key that do not exists with a given ttl. Returns true if the key where replaced otherwise false is returned. You must provide a ttl value. If null is passed, the item will not expire.


    Returns Promise<boolean>